Calf Note #30 – Basics of calf housing

Click here for a PDF file Introduction. There are many ways to house young dairy calves…

Calf Note #29 – Supplemental Fat in Liquid Diets for Calves

Click here for a PDF file Introduction. Raising young dairy calves in the winter can be…

Calf Note #28 – Can I Feed Calves Once a Day?

Click here for a PDF file Introduction. Feeding liquid to calves – whether milk, transition milk,…

Calf Note #27 – How Calf Starter Intake Drives Rumen Development

Click here for a PDF file Introduction. Development of the rumen generally occurs during the first…

Calf Note #26 – What is the Bovine Alliance on Management and Nutrition?

Click here for a PDF file Introduction The USDA initiated the National Animal Health Monitoring System…

Calf Note #25 – Bedding in Calf Hutches

Click here for a PDF Introduction. Hutches are widely used for housing the young dairy calf.…

Calf Note #24 – The Needle Versus the Shovel

Click here for a PDF file Introduction. We spend a lot of time discussing colostrum feeding…

Calf Note #23 – Soy Protein in Milk Replacers

Click here for a PDF file Introduction. Milk replacers are an excellent source of nutrition for…

Calf Note #22 – Using the Colostrometer to Measure Colostrum Quality

Click here for a PDF file Introduction Congratulations!  Your best cow has just given birth to…