Calf Note #160 – Variation in refrigerator temperatures

Click here for a PDF version of this Calf Note Introduction Vaccines, antibiotics, probiotics and many…

Calf Note #159 – Caring for your functional products

Click here for a PDF version of this Calf Note Introduction Functional products are the latest…

Calf Note #158 – Water for calves – cold or warm?

Click here for a PDF version of this Calf Note Introduction Water is an essential nutrient…

Calf Note #157 – Direct-fed Microbials (probiotics) in Calf Diets

Click here for a PDF version of this Calf Note NOTE: The following publication was published…

Calf Note #156 – How much roughage for calves?

Click here for a PDF version of this Calf Note Introduction Feeding roughage to calves often…

Calf Note #155 – Day 2 feeding

Click here for a PDF version Introduction Calf nutrition and management seems to be divided into…

Calf Note #154 – Factors affecting calf mortality on a NY calf ranch

Click here for a PDF version Introduction Lots of factors can affect calf mortality.  We also…

Calf Note #153 – Know your additives!

Click here for a PDF version Introduction I recently completed a “tour” of calf raising operations…

Calf Note #152 – Effect of prepartum stress on IgG absorption in the newborn

Click here for a PDF version Introduction Immunity in newborn calves is often (usually) though of…